Friday, August 8, 2008

Thing 8 Post

Thing 8 is a great module. I was unaware of the plethora of communcation tools that were available. The creative minds that come up with these ideas just blow me away. I thoroughly enjoyed playing with all of the picture management tools for Thing 8. I can see many ways to use these in my personal as well as my professional life. At work there are many creative ways that the slide shows could be used to promote the library. I find the voice thread really fascinating. I could see how professors could use this in online or traditional classrooms. For example- in an art class where students would be asked to critique a piece of art. Each student could respond to the prompt and then they could share the critiques in class and generate discussion from that point. The eFolio is great. I had no idea that existed and my husband and I have worked for MnSCU for years. With most resumes being sent in electronic format, the eFolio could certainly give you an edge up on your competition. Great "Thing" perhaps my favorite so far.

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